Nominations for Dementia Hero Awards 2023 are now open
Dementia Hero Awards will focus on celebrating the involvement and the participation of people affected by dementia in activities and projects, as well as the impact they have for others living with this condition. These awards will recognise the achievements of individuals, groups or organisations that have people living with dementia at the heart of everything they do.
There 9 different categories where anyone can nominate their chosen Dementia Hero.
- Dementia Hero Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Dementia Hero Award for Campaigns and Influencing
- Dementia Hero Award for Research and Innovation
- Dementia Hero Award for Dementia Friendly Business
- Dementia Hero Award for Community
- Dementia Hero Award for Media Impact (National/Regional)
- Dementia Hero Award for Professional Excellence (Awards for Individual and Care Home/Care Organisation)
- Dementia Hero Award for Co-Production in Local Government
- Dementia Hero Award for Care and Compassion.
The deadline to submit nominations is Friday 18th November.
Awards ceremony
The Dementia Hero Awards ceremony will take place in April 2023 in Birmingham at an in-person event. April will be a month of celebration, illustrating how learning from people with lived experience of dementia is improving the lives of people affected by this condition everywhere.
If you would like to find out more about the awards and to nominate you can follow the link below:
Participation and involvement
Story & Sons, as part of Ravencourt Living, has an active involvement in developing products that help people live well with dementia and make a real difference in their lives, their families and carers every day by creating innovative products that are simple to operate to support independent living for longer.
You can find out more about us and view our products at: